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Commentaire de andyf

Using the scroll at the portal teleports you to Outland, Hellfire Peninsula, near where Kazzak spawns.

The quest text doesn't mention this although the tooltip on the scroll does. Be warned, there's no instant way of getting back to the Isle of Quel'Danas if you take this quest, the portal does not let you return.

Commentaire de steve360

The point of this quest is to show you that there are 2 new daily quests found at the Throne of Kil'jaeden. Perhaps fitting given that the final boss of BC is the badass demon himself.

Just be aware that Kazzak is still there and you may run into guilds attempting to take him down for the cheap (or expensive, depending how you look at it) BOE epics.

Commentaire de WR3CKL355

not sure but i think u need to have a flying mount to recive this quest, im not able to get it and thats the only thing i can think of..

Commentaire de wingman

It will teleport you thru to Throne of Kiljaeden in Hellfire Peninsula (near where kazzak is) when you use the scroll. The 2 daily quests are quite nearby.

Commentaire de Llysara

The portal is surrounded by various demonic mobs. If you want to avoid killing your way through, you can ride around to the back end of Dawning Square where it's reasonably empty of trash. Kill one mob, use your scroll, and you're through the portal to the Throne of Kil'jaeden, where Magistrix Seyla is waiting with the two daily quests.

Commentaire de Jamo

This quest appears to be unrepeatable. Meaning, the second and subsequent days you must actually travel to HFP.

Commentaire de carfo

I'm almost positive if you don't have the flight training you can't get this quest

Commentaire de mongchan

This is isn't repeatble quest, and it only lead you to knowing another daily quest.
So star from 2nd doing these two quest, you have no scroll to use and have to go back HFP and have your flying mount to take you there.

Commentaire de ceviz

so there is no teleport thing after all:( it was so nice to use it.

Commentaire de stef200610

do i need something for this quest or i don't cuz i can't do it :(

Commentaire de BobTheGreat

as the above posters said, u need a flying mount

Commentaire de DJRBK

I've personally confirmed that you can receive and complete the quest without having the flying mount.

To leave the area without a flying mount, (and without a hearthstone/summon/whatever,) there is a path in the southwest of the area, a one-way path of mini-cliffs just high enough to prevent climbing, but low enough that you won't suffer damage.

You will however need a flyer to return to the area on subsequent days.

Commentaire de Bonnar

I recently did this quest without a flying mount. They must've changed it. It is just a one time thing until you get a flying mount though.

Commentaire de SolarJet

Just tried to get this quest on my pally Hinoki on Stormscale without flying mount nor the flying skill, seems that the quest is not available til you have the flying skill.

Commentaire de galacticlore

It is worth pointing out that if you use the scroll and then abandon the quest, you have a free trip to outland, without getting a mage to port you, and without using your hearthstone, and by abandoning, you can re-use this shortcut in the future.

This could be useful, if (like I just did) you happen to find yourself having already used the 1-per-day scroll to port to shatt, and happen to have just used your hearth to leave the black temple after getting the armaments for the daily.

The downside to this: It would appear the 2 dailies she offers will not become available until you complete this quest. Considering the number of dailies already available on the Isle, I'm not sure if that is really a big deal or not.

Commentaire de Felet

Most important part: The Missing Magistrix is at 58, 17.

Commentaire de Kalbri

This quest does count towards Loremaster of Eastern Kingdoms

Commentaire de joburocks

So why complete the quest?

Its a great way for me to get from ironforge back to outlands no? I will take all the teleports I can get these days.

Commentaire de Spring

I question this word "Magistrix".

The suffix "-trix" was typically used for the grammatical feminine of Latin nouns that end in "-tor". Examples (common in law) would be "executor - executrix" and "proprietor - proprietrix". But magus is the Latin word from which this is derived, and so wouldn't receive that ending; nor would it receive that ending if derived from "magister", as that word is derived from magus.

Completely irrelevant to anything, but:

If you decide your monitor or refrigerator are, for some reason, women, then you would be correct in calling them "monitrix" and "refrigeratrix".

TL;DR - Latin is fun.

La magistrice disparue

Servez-vous du Parchemin de la Légion capturé près du portail de la place du Point-du-jour. Lorsque vous aurez franchi le portail, trouvez la magistrice Seyla.


Nous avons envoyé l’un de nos agents pour enquêter sur le gangreportail qui se trouve au milieu de la place du Point-du-Jour, au sud. Elle n’est jamais revenue.

Prenez ce parchemin. Nous l’avons trouvé sur le cadavre d’un ennemi. Nous supposons qu’il vous permettra de franchir le portail. Si c’est le cas, trouvez la magistrice Seyla et aidez-la au mieux.

Keep quiet, <classe>. The Legion's forces watch the south of the gate.

It's very sweet of Theris to worry about my hide, but we've got bigger problems here. Much bigger.


Vous recevrez. 3 40

Lors de l'achèvement de cette quête vous gagnerez.

8,120 points d'expérience

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